June 01, 2010

Belle Armoire Featured Artist

Belle Armoire
Originally uploaded by Laura Blanck Openstudio

GLASS ROMANCE by Laura Blanck.
June 2010 issue Belle Amoire does a feature article on my glass beads, and the romance I create in them. My passion for glass and for artistic life itself fills my beads with color and character, described in the article starting on page six with photos and text on how I compose some of my pieces. Pick up a copy at your local bookstore or craft store!
To see more of my creations please visit my Etsy shop or my Flickr (links at the right of this screen)


11 at Midday
Originally uploaded by Laura Blanck Openstudio

Today is the first day of June. I want to send my happy birthday wishes to all my friends with June's birthdays! Mine is June 16th. Hurray!!!
Happy birthday to all!!!
What a better way to celebrate than with this lovely group of beads? I'm keeping them as my birthday gift! Although my gift is to have you all always in my heart... Love, Laury.