October 12, 2010

Belle Armoire Jewelry October 2010 Featured Artist Laura Blanck from Openstudio

Belle Armoire Jewelry October 2010
Originally uploaded by Laura Blanck Openstudio

I LOOK FOR YOU by Laura Blanck.
October 2010 issue Belle Amoire does a feature article on my glass beads. With the image of a loved one in my soul, "I Look for You" came to life. The search for our love does not only occur in tangible places, it also floats in a mystical space with no clocks and boundaries.
My passion for glass and for artistic life itself fills my beads with color and character, described in the two full pages article with photos and text on how I compose some of my pieces. Pick up a copy at your local bookstore or craft store!
To see more of my creations please visit my Etsy shop or my Flickr (links at the right of this screen)

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